Oneiromance, 2024.

96 color photographies from negatives.

13 hypnagogic texts ( in english, one nightmare in spanish).

144 pages.

Afterword by Jorge Villacorta.

200x 240 mm.


Graphic design by Eric Dahl Palmér.

ISBN 978-91-527-9965-9

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Price ( might have to add taxes and stamps might not) at least 35 €/$.


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Once opened, this book lures the mind into liminal space, a twilight zone where the living and the dead, in a strange symbiosis with plants, might see each other through a glass, darkly. And talk, lost in dreams. There is a sense of foreboding in some passages where text and image confront each other, but also pages where playfulness seems to spring eternal -like hope-, to the delight of the perplexed who wade through words, caught in the whirligig of invention, while glowing colours vibrate in the stillness of a beach at the end of the world and one is invited to revel in mindscapes of uprooted, unspoken, uncanny beauty. Jorge Villacorta

In a time defined by the urgency of loss, and by the experience of division, extinction and obliteration in the instant the flame lasts, it might seem risky or evasive to take refuge in dreams, or in the melodies that the master plants sing, but I believe that the path that Trinidad is proposing is the opposite of escapism. In dreams, and in what they reveal to us, we are in conversation with ourselves and therefore, in other worlds, perhaps we can imagine another reality to add to our own. Jimena Ledgard


No Date

180  pp.


200  mm x 250  mm


Graphic design: Studio Moss 


2016 Art and Theory Publishing 


Retailers requests via e-mail to

or Art&Theory

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According to Natasha Christia, Trinidad Carrillo´s "diaries of dreams entail a wonderful, quasi-mystical moment, in which the chasm between the past, the present and the future collapses, and life unexpectedly assumes a significance beyond everyday reality. It is the moment when word becomes image." "No Date" continues in this tradition with a highly diverse series of photographs that range from effervescent landscapes and deeply shadowed portraits to surreal shots of people and babies in interiors or natural settings, night scenes, and ghostly appearances. The book is dedicated to Moloch, the Biblical name of a Canaanite god, and includes the poem "Migratory Birds".

The Name from Mars

Texts by Johanna Willenfelt, Natasha Christia
Design by Eric Palmér
Self published, 2013

Edition of 900 copies

112 pp. w/ 5 fold-out spreads, 78 color illustrations

215 x 250 mm

Price: 400 SEK (≈ 45€)


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In “The Name from Mars”, Trinidad Carrillo visualizes eloquently the incisive existential locus between external reality and dream in the same way the Surrealists chose to do many years ago when photographing themselves with closed eyes at the first photomaton in Paris. A series of images of sleeping figures in a state of somnambulistic trance or unawareness operate as punctums in her story. Submerged into another world, these pictures expose the fleeting moment of live interior motion against a background of generalized immobility. They register, to say the least, all that lies before our eyes when the mists dissolve and the remote landscape of the dream falls apart under the weight of a desire that cannot be fulfilled in real life. For, everyday existence is unable to sustain the logic and order of the dream. What’s more, it is unable to sustain the fluidity of identity or irrational answers to unstated questions. “There is a part of us that wants to know, another part that prefers to leave it hidden like a sacred secret”, says Carrillo. “If you call everything by its name, you will dry it”. And so the language of dreams remains veiled. On the other shore, latent under the foggy horizon, faces and bodies slowly decompose. But the dream persists. In its ecstatic futility, it conjures a space that keeps the desire alive.

Natasha Christia


Naini and the Sea of Wolves- Farewell Books

Poem by Sara Hallström

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Can still be purchased at some places. Here is one I´ve found: Galleri Breadfield

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